12 October 2017

Suitcase. 3 Days In Boston

With the end of September came the end of my European adventures, it was time to hop across the Atlantic to the US of A. First stop? Charming Boston. Of course I had heard many speak of the English influence in the New England region and I was keen to see it for myself.

Prior to my arrival there was much deliberation on the area I wished to stay. In the end I settled on the Back Bay and boy am I glad I did. Reminiscent of Greenwich Village, majestic brownstones line the streets, with the occasional chateau thrown in for good measure. I fell completely in love with the front doors in this neighbourhood, each one more beautiful than the next.

A little way down the road you'll find elegant Beacon Hill which sits atop the city. Its roads are steep and winding, lined with charming homes that all boast gas lamps out the front. Narrow paths disappear into hidden gardens, each one I passed causing my inner-curiosity to spill over, with an intense desire to visit each one. I spent many-an-hour here, my thoughts always roaming to who lived within these beautiful houses.

I was thrilled to see the start of fall traditions evident in each neighbourhood; from perfect pumpkins to elegant wreaths, they adorned each doorway.

It also quickly became obvious that having a dog must be compulsory in Boston... When I wasn't seeing owners walking their playful pooches, I saw dog-walkers managing up to 12 pups at a time.

A quick march through the centre of town and I found it to be as much of a hubbub as its bigger city rivals like NYC. Continuing onto the North End (which is like Boston's Little Italy) I found myself strolling through portions of the freedom trail which are marked in the pavement. Many of the sites along the way have significance relating to the Revolution so don't miss a trip back in time.

The walks and the wanderings were wonderful but I think my favourite thing about Boston was the public library. Nerdy I know, but in my opinion it is more beautiful than any museum I've ever laid eyes on. Grand marble halls, sweeping staircases, lamplit desks and a courtyard worthy of a palace. I spent an afternoon in there writing and I must say, it was a real highlight for me.

Of course being the nerd that I am, I couldn't very well see Boston without a trip out to Cambridge, the home of Harvard. I tried to hide my camera as best I could, wanting to feel like a genius fellow-student rather than a snap-happy visitor, if only just for a day... I took a tour with one of the students and learnt so many interesting things.

Did you know you can study hieroglyphics at Harvard?

Did you know the library has 8 floors underground and 5 miles of bookshelves? There's even a way to call for help if you get lost in the stacks - which apparently happens quite often!

Did you know, neither Bill Gates nor Mark Zuckerberg actually completed their Harvard degrees?

Honestly I feel I'm now a fountain of Harvard knowledge, go on, ask a question...

After a jam-packed three days in town it was time for me to head north to a quaint little colonial town by the seaside. Stay tuned to discover where...

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Photos by Krissie.