Throughout my childhood I held a fascination for The Secret Garden; it was a movie I watched again and again. There was something about the grand English estate, the walled garden and its hidden treasures that captured my imagination.
Last week an adventure to Hampstead Heath sent me right back in time. I had found my own secret garden right here in London. And I'll tell you a little secret, I think it's even better than the one in the movie...
It's totally overgrown but in an artistic way. Trees entwine with stone pillars and abundant rose bushes lean-in over the pathways. It's as though they're asking you to come closer. You can almost hear them whisper. They want to tell you a tale...
There's no doubt this place abounds with history. It's a little sanctuary within the hustle and bustle of London that has stood the test of time, dating all the way back to 1904. I can only imagine all the things these walls have seen. Proposals, long lost friends, tears, celebrations... Now they can add my joy into the mix.
I'll be fare-welling London in a week or so to set off on my summer travels. (If you have any tips for Italy and Croatia please do share them with me on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.) Then after my 4-week trip I'll be heading back to Australia for a little while to enjoy some escapades in the southern hemisphere which will be an exciting change of pace [and place!].
There's so much to look forward to. So much to be grateful for. On days like these it's impossible not to find the good in everything.
Share your comments with me on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.
Photos by Jessica Marano.