28 March 2014

One Day. Behind the scenes

Just a quick post today as I've been rather flat strap with work so far this week. For us gals in the fashion industry March/April is always a busy time for shooting; at the moment we are in the midst of our Summer 14' photoshoot for product that will be in stores later this year. It's always great to get a sneak peak of new ranges and see what's trending but at the same time it's also quite torturous because I find myself wanting to buy it all now, waiting 6 months is really hard! Here's a few sneak piccies from behind the scenes.

We have a lovely team of people at my work who we shoot with and it's always a super busy but fun time. Shoots can last up to 3 weeks so by the end of it we all go a little crazy being locked in a room together so it's a good thing we all get along. We have plenty to chat about, some of the discussion topics we've been throwing around so far whilst snapping have been our favourite Sex And The City moments, worst/scariest flights we've been on, the latest health crazes and our love lives [because it's impossible to get a group of girls in a room without it being mentioned!].

Hope you've all had a wonderful week and have got exciting things planned for the weekend.

Photos by Krissie.