Bruschetta, bruschetta; I just love saying the word, especially when you do it a la the Italians with a hard 'k' sound. Not only do I love saying it, I love eating it. This delicious snack makes the perfect lunch or pre-dinner appetiser and here's a quick and easy recipe that will have you whipping it up in no time!
What you'll need
1 sour-dough style loaf; I like using Pane Di Casa
4 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic, bruised
4 vine-ripened truss tomatoes, finely diced
1 small red onion, finely diced
12 leaves basil, chopped
3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
100g fetta
salt and pepper
What to do
Slice your bread according to your needs. If for lunch then I suggest chunky toasts slices, and if for hors d'oeuvres then small rounds work well. Drizzle the bread with olive oil on both sides and rub well with the bruised garlic. Heat a griddle pan and toast your bread for a few minutes on each side until warm and firm.
Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine your tomatoes, onion, basil and vinegar and stir well. Season with salt and pepper.
Remove your toast from the pan and top it with the tomato mixture. Crumble over the fetta and finish off with another crack of salt of pepper.
Photo by Krissie.