Happy new year beautiful people. Another year over and another beginning - can you believe it! I had the pleasure of seeing in my first London New Year from the roofs of Piccadilly Circus. Standing 10 stories up with a view of the lights by the river was a spine-tingling feeling and the perfect way to start 2015.
2014 held some pretty big moments for me, some gut-renching decisions and some truly life-changing leaps of faith. But it has all paid off. Last year on New Year's Eve I knew I had to make a change to seek new adventures in my life. Leaving everything behind that you know to chase the idea of a new challenge that is bigger and better is a daunting feat but it has been the most rewarding choice of my life that I have made to date. I'm so glad to be where I am right now and can't wait to see what adventures 2015 holds.
I'm looking forward to sharing them with you. Big love x
Photo by Krissie.