13 May 2013

One Day. “Go to pilates,” they said. “It will be easy,” they said.

Downward dog.

Ok, maybe no one spoke those exact words to me but my subconscious has been telling me something along those lines for the last few months. I think I had this delirious idea that pilates was an easy way to tone your muscles but honestly I think slogging it out on an hour run would be an easier option.

I sit here writing this post to you from limp-limb central. Don’t get me wrong, the class was great and I’ll definitely be going back next week but boy was I surprised at how difficult it was. It probably didn’t help that I took the advanced class with a very zealous instructor who was super keen to whip us into shape before she heads off to teach hardcore contortion pilates in Bali next week.

I walked into class taking in the peaceful surroundings, dim lighting, candles and music and interpreting them to mean a calm and serene class that would make my body feel strong and supple without any pain. Not quite so. I have huge admiration for the instructor. The hour class was so full-on and she did every step whilst encouraging us for the whole hour without loosing her breath or even breaking a sweat. I was flat out attempting every second movement.

As much as I don’t want to admit it, I’m sure everyone in the class knew I was a beginner. Let’s see what gave it away first: 1. not knowing the correct procedure with the mat/towel, 2. swinging the wrong leg at the wrong time; she says right, I go left, she says left I go right, or perhaps it was 3. the fact I was quaking like a leaf one minute into the first plank.

I’m off to try Yoga tomorrow. At least I can say I’ve done this one many times before. I’ll definitely be back for another pilates class next week; my aim? To swing the correct leg at the correct time. Baby steps…

Photo by Darwin Reinoso.